
The pool was originally built in 1966 after a tragic accident took the life of a young boy. Ernst and Kathrine Wagner had a vision with the hope that everyone would learn to swim in a safer environment and therefore, funded the construction of the Ernst O. Wagner Memorial Pool.

Friends of the Pool was formed in 2005 to help address the funding gap needed to support the pool.  We have contributed $7500 yearly for operating expenses, all thanks to donations from the community. We also raise additional money every year to help with repairs, resurfacing, and purchasing of needed equipment.  

Since 2005, Friends of the Pool has given more than $400,000 to the Town of Twisp for pool expenses and projects.   

In addition to an annual $7500 donation to the Wagner Pool to help the Town of Twisp with the budget gap in operating the pool, Friends of the Pool has raised funds for the following:  

2005: Vending machine & pool repairs  ($2,350)

2008: Pool repairs ($1,600)

2010: Purchasing floating covers and pool repairs ($5,050)

2011: Purchase a hand dryer and improved landscaping ($700)

2012: Fence slats, shade tarps, plaster repair, umbrella ($3,780)

2013: Lifeguard training, new boiler ($19,950)

2014: Plumbing repairs  ($1,400)

2015: Shower repair and new pump ($12,900)

2016: Pool resurfacing of concrete liner and gutters ($184,734)

2017: Kiddie pool cover, tarp reel repair  ($8,457)

2018: Sound system upgrade ($4,011)

2019: Facility Assessment, slide repair ($7,500)

2020: Funding to open the pool after COVID ($50,000)